This howto explains how you can increase the length of the title field and description field of the Parallax 1 - 7
Step 1: Edit
Step 2: Change the type of the parallax title and description from textfield to textarea
$form['md_alpine_settings']['design']['design_parallax']['parallax_'.$i.'']['pr_'.$i.'_title'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => 'Parallax '.$i.' Title',
'#default_value' => theme_get_setting('pr_'.$i.'_title') ? theme_get_setting('pr_'.$i.'_title') : '',
'#max_length' => 1000,
$form['md_alpine_settings']['design']['design_parallax']['parallax_'.$i.'']['pr_'.$i.'_des'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => 'Parallax '.$i.' Description',
'#max_length' => 1000,
'#default_value' => theme_get_setting('pr_'.$i.'_des') ? theme_get_setting('pr_'.$i.'_des') : ''
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