How can I see my php settings?

Step-by-step instructions how to see the PHP values of your server using a phpinfo.php file.
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Step-by-step instructions how to see the PHP values of your server using a phpinfo.php file.
How to disable a particular part in the source code of CSS? How to add headings or comments to CSS files?
Drush, the Drupal Shell, is a command-line interface (CLI) application for managing the Drupal content management system (CMS). For users who enjoy working from the shell, install Drush to save yourself a lot of time in the long run.
In Drupal version 8.8.0, the permissions for sites/default are set to unwriteable, but Composer needs to write to it. The issue can be resolved by fixing the permissions manually.
Actually, you don't need to modify any code: Just add data-toggle="collapse" and a data-target to element to automatically assign control of a collapsible element.
Sometimes it is convenient to change the language definition of a website without the installation/configuration of extra modules/languages.
How to create a custom html twig file (html.html.twig) in Drupal 8. Useful to set the language tag (html lang="en") manually.
This howto shows you 2 ways how you can easily remove the preview button from a Drupal 8 contact form (included in core).
Troubleshooting "500 Internal Server Error" Drupal
This howto gives you a very effective guide how to troubleshoot a white screen of death occurring after the Drupal admin login.