The Drupal module Splashify allows you to display a splash page anywhere on your site by redirecting the user, by showing a lightbox, or by displaying a popup. This module is designed to be search engine friendly, mobile device friendly and offers multiple configuration options. Thus you can decide when, where, what and how the splash page shall be displayed. As such you can configure the splash page to be shown to particular roles and on specific pages. Furthermore you can define the style of the splash by choosing between an URL, a text within the site template or a text/HTML full screen. Working per default outside the website template, the latter offers you tremendous possibilities (if you want to use certain .css files, you can load them individually for the splash screen). Finally you can decide how the splash shall be displayed by choosing between a redirect to an URL, the display in a new window and the display as lightbox. Mobile friendliness means that you can set-up a Unique Mobile Splash with individual settings for mobile devices.
For the installation of Splashify including the usage of colorbox and a unique mobile splash, you can proceed as follows:
- Install the dependency modules Libraries API and Colorbox
- Install the required files for colorbox, jstorage and mobile detect into the folder /sites/all/libraries. The foldernames to be used are colorbox, jstorage and mobile_detect.
- Configure the module. If you go for for the option "text/HTML full screen" you can use the following code to load individual .css files
@import url("http://.....");
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