Frequently you might want to create Drupal pages consisting only of blocks. Apparently to create a page with a title and to configure the block to display with this page is not a very proper solution. Thus we recommend you to use the Drupal module Empty Page which allows you to create "empty" menu callbacks. You just define a link and optionally a title and you are done. Now you can assign your block to this link by choosing "Show block on specific pages" > "Only the listed pages" in the block configuration and by adding the defined link.
From the module description: "At least once every project, I've needed to create a content-free page. There are times where I don't want to be limited to a views page, and creating an empty node page just seems dirty, since there is a node_load happening (an empty node that I never intend to have any content inside of) that is actually loading "nothing". An example of where empty pages are necessary are things like the home page, or a section landing page where you want several info blocks that you can freely move around if needed."

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